Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ma Professional History

This post is to keep keep a track of how my professional graph has been moving as soon I finished studies. To put into other words I did not finish studies as am still a student, i.e am persuins MS in Mobile Communication and Internet Technologies. As soon as I finished my diploma I decided to take up job and continue studying parallelly. Later I finished my Engineering with flying colours and now am up to my PG. This post would tell you as to how my professional life has shaped up till now, to be frank I still feel I am not getting my worth of everything that matters. Here you go

My first Job: Must be somewhere in the month of June 2003, I joined as a service Engineer at a small company in Rajaginagar, where we used to deal with Intercom systems (EPABX) of Accord the anolog model and Matrix the digital model of the available systems and several different versions of these systems aswell. I worked for a span of 3 months as a service engineer with a very meagre pay. I had to travel a lot attending customer calls throughout bangalore. I was put up at chandapura on Hosur road and this office was in rajajinagar which was a round 35 Kms. Apart from the distance from my home to the office I used to travel around 70 kms per day resulting upto 130-140 kms a day including the distance from my home. WOW!!! U know what It was nothing but nonsence. Not a great option to start with. Anyways I learnt a lot from that job. I got to know about bangalore well and learnt art of managing and handling people. What ever i say the first job is always a great experience.

My Second Job: Kaveri Telecom, a telecom based company where i worked as a Junior engineer. It was a company which dealt with telecom products such as repeaters, frequency translators, filters, duplexers, antennaes, etc from design to a finished product. I was into the R&D wing and doing quiet well. I wasnt an engineer by then, and the place I was full of engineers. This motivated me and many ways to do engineering. Untill I got this new boss named GANESH, oh man I can never forget his name ever. He literally screwed everyons happyness so so was mine. I was moved to production wing, made to work in shifts and overtimes without benifits. By that time had felt am at a very wrong place and wanted to move out. So I had started to look out for options and networking was a great field then so decided let me move into that field and joined a networking course at ROOMAN Technologies on DVG Road to gear my self up. I had to go to that class by 7 pm but this new boss of mine would never leave me. I decided enough is enough and quit that job. I stayed around 6 months there.

My Third Job : I told u I was doing a course in networking , so by this knowledge I got myself into a Call center. This was called Mainstay Teleservices. a UK based call center supporting TIME/TINY computers in the UK. I was into ISP tech support and the name of this was "Supanet". HA HA HA. Later I moved into TIME/TINY tech support ie another process in the same office which was more technical. I had a great reputation there and getting a handsome pay by that time. I was being look upto in many ways and was greatel appreciated for my work. The only problem here was to work in shifts. I worked for about 8 months and there was words of me becoming a team lead. But by that time my dream of doing engineering had succeeded , I hot the 18 rank in CET and had got a merit seat in UCVE, so had to quit this job, else I could not attend college. People did not want to leave me but I had to quit. This was a great exp for me where in I got an exposure to deal with international people.

My Fourth Job : Joined SVS Designs on Bannerghatta Road, as a junior engineer for a negotiable pay as completing studies was a priority then. I used to attend office from morning 8 to 4 and go to college from 5. This place was a very small place where they used to develop and produce products needed by BSNL exchanges such as timers, power supplies etc. This was a time pass kinda job but was ok. was very close to my house and was able to study. Was here for around say 6-8 months I guess.

My Fifth Job: I got a better offer from one of the companies in Jayanagar, and the domain was Supply Chain management. and the client was i2 technologies, but was at a vendor place called Adarsh Solutions. Was called a sourcing specialist, wa sourcing information across globe pertaining to electronics components and modules. Was going great guns and was far far ahead in the way I work from the lot already there. I was very happy with the work I do and so was the management with my work. I was looked upto and was a model for others . Was having a great time working there. I was there for around 9 months. I would have not quit this company, if something really great had not happened. I was able to manage college and office as I used to go at night to office. Then came this big oppurtunity of being a part of GOVT OF INDIA.

My Sixth Job: I was kind of bored of changing jobs and wanted a permant one to settle down i life. Then came this oppurtunity of being a part of Indian Defense and being a part of Govt of India. Got a job in CQAL. Ministry of Defence (DGQA) Govt of India. Was being called by some name and posted in bangalore itself in telecommunication wing. The job profile was ok not that great and the domain was into Quality assurance. I was used to the corporate world by this time and the rate at with they work and rate at which Govt works is uncomparable. Govt has its own way of working and set mindsets which would not change at any cost. The place was fine for timepass, but if u wanted to make it big that was not the place. i could have stayed there for the rest of my life without worrying and could have led a calm and a peaceful life. But I was not happy here and wanted to move out. Me being a brahmin and getting a Govt job was a dream. And when i said I wanted to move out people say I was insane. Well I just wanted to move, felt was a wrong place.

My Seventh and Current job : Now am here at Arthur J Gallagher a US based MNC, and now am being called a CNC administrator and work domain is JD Edwards which is a application software. The pay is good and so is job. Am pretty ok here till date and would not want to change the domain. I hope I would not be changing this job unless I get a drastic hike and offer from another company.

Thats my professional graph till date. Wish I will be a man who others would look upto some day!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We at namma mysore dasara

Namma mysore dasara, is seriously a pride of Karnataka and how could we guys miss it, at least once in life its absolutely worth it. Its me with buddies in front of the palace and ofcourse namma najangud.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Had to Bank on MS

Hope you guys have had a look at my previous post of an aspirant in me to persue MBA, however life has other plans for me. It was in the month of October that I seriously started looking out for options of doing an MBA, but it was a very unusal time , it was neither a start of an acedemic year not there were universities offering courses having electives in which i had intrest. More over I happened to enquire certain universities which offered certain programs in MBA but these were not recognised by AICTE, the Indian or State Govt. If this was the case how could you ever expect a man life to join such colleges or universities.
Adding to my current position of not able to decide as to what to do, which university to join, which specilization to opt for, I has my fiancee and in laws pressurizing me to join a Master's course before marriage which was on March 01 2009. Eventually this pressure started getting big on me, well its for my own good though, It was at this time I started looking out for other possiblities.
I was always a technical guy, though I was a bit inclined towards mangerial concepts, I thought let me move ahead and bring out a core techie in me. Eventually I came across a website from Mangalore University who had just started offering courses in MS through distance education. The reason for looking into distance eduction was that i had no option of doing a masters degree at a regular college as I could not quit my job. I started to take a detailed look at this site and which appealed to me, I mean the Course that the offer and the way in which they offer. At this juncture, one of my friends during engineering days showed intrest in the same. It was at this time I decided instantly it should be now or never. We both joined hands and contacted the concerned person at RV Teachers college (the office of this program) and spoke to the course co-orinator / Director. Everthing seemed ok and without wasting much time, I decided to join the course in Mobile Communication and Internet Technology. The University assured all the required acemedic support would be provided by RV college of engineering, Mysore road.

This was how the transition of an aspirant in MBA became a student of MS. Now am Pradeep Kumar, BE, (MS). Sounds Good Isint it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

MBA on mind

Guys, u all know that I am an engineer, and now I would like to share my gut feeling of haing an MBA degree. I am a born administrator by that what I mean is , I am efficient in handling things , managing situations, convincing people, making a mark in what ever i am upto & doing all this and more with style n passion and in a very presentable way. These are the qualities that i have discovered for myself n also what people around me say that this is what I am good at.
Having all these qualities make me a mamager in my own kind, but I would like to back it up with an MBA degree, which means I would be giving a suitable name to my qualities so that people accross would identify me better. MBA was on my mind for a long time now, but never felt it was desperately required, the reason being i already have all the qualities of an MBA. But the world does not recognise these inner qualities , So may have to do it. I also have the desire of owning a MBA but again spending years and money just to back what you already have is the question.
Adding on, now that I already am a software professional , I can never dream of doing it in a full time management University/College, as work is a priority at all cases. So ,may have to think about an alternate way of doing it. But again, does these alternate ways have the same value of doing it full time? But have no other option but to look for alternative ways of doing it. Nowadays its also a symbol of status of owing this MBA degree, what say ?
Inspite of all these doubts and questions , there is last one i.e will I get the due recognition after finishing MBA in a few years from now ? If not then will all the efforts do to the drain ? If recognised will it be fruitfull enough upto my expectations ? Welll Welll Wellll there are no end to my questions and doubts. But I will have to persue a masters and thats the bottom line, because I always wanted to do it and I will be doing it.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Engineering Days!!! - Life turned around.

Well I am a guy who was a bit casual in approach towards life. Also was a average kind of a student. I had finished my diploma In electronics with flying colours, and always wished to be an engineer. Life had other prioritues at this point of time when I finished diploma, financial position was not very great and I was not very comfortable with this sort of position. Its a age when u r so young and people around ur age are having a spend thrift kind of a life. Though my parents gave me more than enought I always had a feeling that it was never enough. This was a time when I have finished diploma and engineering was on my mind , but I gave it a back seat to earn some bucks. I joined my first job for a meagre amount but this brought so much happiness that I had my own earning now. But still I was not called a graduate and this was bothering me. People aroung me had writtern me off as I was not a graduate and not a super brilliant kind of a student. This used to hurt me a lot. I wanted to do engineering but also did not want to lose out on earnings. Also I was in no position to get a seat other than a merit seat. Well too many things on my mind, and so many decisions to make.
It was at this time I gave a break to my studies for a year or so, and I did this with a intension. I wanted to do engineering on the contrary also not to lose out on the earning that I had already started. I opted to do my engineering in evening college, which would solve all problems. But the problem was getting a seat in evening college in bangalore was a bigger challenge than getting admission in regular college. This was because we had only 2 colleges offering evening BE unlike other hundreds of colleges offering regular BE. My parents did suggest me to join regular college, but I took my FIRST OWN DECISION of joining BE in evening college. Everyone around ridiculed me, that it was a crap decision and Engineering was no childs play. They said people find it so tough to do it in regular classes and I being a average student could no way complete it in evening college. People have wiered and strange notions of studying in evening colleges. Adding to it even my parents did not have faith in me getting a seat in Engineering and they had clearly indicated payment seats was out of question.
I was firm on my decision, In spite of all these odds I took CET (Entrance test in karnataka). Guess what I got the 18th rank in CET and got a total merit seat in Karnatakas most prestegious college, the first college of Engineering in karnataka, the college where the whole world looks up to, A diamond in Bangalore university i.e University Vishveshwaraya College of engineering (UVCE) KR Circle bangalore. It was dream come true for me and my parents as well. That one year of work exp I had already was a key factor for me to join evening college, as 1 year exp was needed to join evening college. With butterflies in my stomach and with a sense of accomplishment in heart I went and joined this college (UVCE), which the world recognizes, WOW!!!, Now I was a part of one of the best institutions. Now that I had joined BE , was a bit worried as to how I would manage work and college. It so rightly said fortune favours the brave, I happened to switch jobs and my boss at this new work place was a sweetheart. He used to allow me leave the office premisis by 4:30 pm everyday and I used to reach college by 5pm.
Friends - what can I say, words seems so insufficient. I was also a kinda worried what kind of people I may have to study with and this being a evening college the age group was a bit relaxed. But guess wat it was fantastic group of friends and everyone from differnet parts of karnataka between age group of 20 - 23 who were equally good in all aspects and guys who have taken life as a challenge. Everyone had similar kinda story behind which had let them to persue BE here at the UVCE. We were a class of 60 and everone so very practical and so mature in their behavior, so willing to help each other and everyone funding their own studies. Yes so was I , was earning and funding my engineering. I did complete ,my engineering with my money, this is another accomplishment.
Was managing work and college equally well, people slowly started taking a look and that was when I started making people turn their heads around and show what I was made off. Not only I started putting heart and sole in my studies,because it was hard earned seat in engineering and I would not let that go a waste. I had to work, go to college, study etc. This part of my life taught me how to manage time and and make the best use of it. Not only work , college and studies, I also statred to take part in Quiz and other competations in college and UVCE is a happening place. Also took part in cultural events and slowly started organizing events. All these brought the all round development in me and excel as a better human.
With all the time constraints we guys never used to miss out on any oppurtunity of enjoying life, maybe be bunking classes and playing cricket, making fun of teachers and getting kicked out of classes, pulling each other legs for funs, all those birthday parties and birthday bums, late night hang arounds, all those love stories - make ups and break ups, all those trips that we used to have after each semester , those trekking days , all those gossipping that used to happen at college canteen , all those last minute preparatons for internals and exams , I CALL THIS LIFE AT ITS BEST- THE MOST HAPPIEST DAYS TILL DATE.
In spite of all these I came out with a distinction in my engineering - Life had changed by now. An engineer who had completed engineering with a distinction against all odds and to show the world that life can be lead this way aswell.
All this are wonderful wonderful memories which brings in a moment of tear and joy when u remember those days when u toiled to aceive what u have aceived. WOW!!! these were my engineering days expeirince where my life truely turned around. now I was called Pradeep Kumar, BE.