Tuesday, October 7, 2008

MBA on mind

Guys, u all know that I am an engineer, and now I would like to share my gut feeling of haing an MBA degree. I am a born administrator by that what I mean is , I am efficient in handling things , managing situations, convincing people, making a mark in what ever i am upto & doing all this and more with style n passion and in a very presentable way. These are the qualities that i have discovered for myself n also what people around me say that this is what I am good at.
Having all these qualities make me a mamager in my own kind, but I would like to back it up with an MBA degree, which means I would be giving a suitable name to my qualities so that people accross would identify me better. MBA was on my mind for a long time now, but never felt it was desperately required, the reason being i already have all the qualities of an MBA. But the world does not recognise these inner qualities , So may have to do it. I also have the desire of owning a MBA but again spending years and money just to back what you already have is the question.
Adding on, now that I already am a software professional , I can never dream of doing it in a full time management University/College, as work is a priority at all cases. So ,may have to think about an alternate way of doing it. But again, does these alternate ways have the same value of doing it full time? But have no other option but to look for alternative ways of doing it. Nowadays its also a symbol of status of owing this MBA degree, what say ?
Inspite of all these doubts and questions , there is last one i.e will I get the due recognition after finishing MBA in a few years from now ? If not then will all the efforts do to the drain ? If recognised will it be fruitfull enough upto my expectations ? Welll Welll Wellll there are no end to my questions and doubts. But I will have to persue a masters and thats the bottom line, because I always wanted to do it and I will be doing it.

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